Get featured

Shimmerkit Shimmerkit showcases the best beauty creatives from around the world and what they carry in their makeup bags. Everyday thousands of beauty enthusiasts from around the world visit Shimmerkit. If you would like to be a part of the community, why not submit your kit to get featured?

Why submit to Shimmerkit?

  1. Gain exposure to hundreds of thousands of world-class beauty creatives as well as potential clients from around the world.
  2. Promote your site, work and whatever message about the beauty industry you feel is important.
  3. Help out the community by giving them an exclusive look into your holy grail of beauty products.
  4. Join a community of likeminded beauty creatives and learn/improve together!

Who can submit to Shimmerkit? In general, Shimmerkit features male and female models, makeup artists, bloggers and vloggers in the beauty industry. However we also consider featuring those involved in other aesthetic industries, including fitness and general well-being. Whilst your social media influence isn’t the be-all-and-end-all, we do take a preference to those with a healthy number of followers who update their online presence regularly. How to get featured on Shimmerkit Prepare the following 3 things:

  1. The ‘Shimmerkit’

A photo of the contents of your make up bag, or what you consider to be your ‘holy grail’ of beauty products. The photo should be a ‘flat-lay’, i.e. arranged neatly and taken from above in good lighting Take your time to get this right as it will heavily influence the acceptance of your submission. Tips on a good flat-lay available here. How to do a flat lay dont2

  1. The Write Up

A few paragraphs about you, your work, and most importantly your beauty products (be specific about brands/product names) and why you chose/how you use each item, plus anything else you may find relevant. The more detail you can go into about the products and your beauty regime, the better! N.B. This must be original content (not just copied from your About Me page, and must be written in the first person). Aim for over 150 words.

  1. The Selfie

2 photos of you looking wonderful! Must be a file named ‘Shimmerkit_FirstnameLastname_’; high quality jpg; resized to 580px tall. If you can’t resize your photo, don’t worry – just make sure it’s big enough. // Send all the above via email to sierra[at]Shimmerkit[dot]com. In the email include your full name, website URL and social media stats (no. of FB fans, Twitter followers, Instagram followers, etc). Then keep your fingers crossed! Tips on being accepted to Shimmerkit Every week Shimmerkit receives hundreds of submissions from around the world. Only a handful make it onto the site, so how do you make sure your submission has the greatest chance of being accepted?

  1. Follow the guidelines above to the T! Read them carefully. All the information is there.
  2. Make sure your Shimmerkit photo is well lit (we recommend natural light), organized neatly and in focus. As long as these 3 things are present, we can give you a hand with the final edit.
  3. Spend time on your write up, making sure to go into detail about each product you mention. Take a look at those featured to see what we are looking for.
  4. Subscribe to the Shimmerkit Newsletter for more tips!

// Even if you’re not accepted but your Shimmerkit photo is great, you may be shared on the Shimmerkit social media networks and your website credited. Remember, we’re just as likely to accept a Shimmerkit submission from a fresh-faced 18-year-old as we are a famous blogger – it all depends on the quality of your submission and work. So submit your kit today for a chance to get featured!